11 Events To Bring To Your Workplace For Mental Health Awareness Day 2023 (Onsite + Virtual)

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The Importance of Mental Health Awareness in the Workplace

Now more than ever, Workplaces carry a responsibility when it comes to protecting the mental wellbeing of their employees. As World Mental Health Day is on the horizon, on October 10, 2023, it serves as a timely reminder globally, urging businesses to elevate the importance of mental health within their organization.

By acknowledging and embracing its significance, employers have the power to create an environment and culture in their organization that is supportive, understanding and empathetic, to allow employees to thrive.

Leadership’s Role in Championing Mental Health

Leadership holds a significant place, often shaping a company’s culture and values. True leaders recognize that their influence extends beyond setting business goals; they are the stewards of their employees’ well-being.

Leaders today must take a proactive stance on mental health, understanding its nuances and ensuring that it isn’t sidelined. By being advocates, they can eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health conversations and foster a transparent culture where employees feel seen and supported.

It is the responsibility of leadership to make decisions about implementing wellness programs and our tip to you is to just START. Even if you start small, creating mental health iniatives and support within your office, it is through feedback and trial that you can find which ways seem to land with your employees and take on new initiatives until you have a full company wellness strategy in your organization.

Employee Wellness Programs: Breathing New Life into the Workplace

With the rise of virtual work, boundaries between personal and professional lives often are blurred. This presents a problem and urgency to infuse boundaries in this area before employee burnout rises.

Elevate your workplace with our transformative wellness program. Discover our wide spectrum of both virtual and onsite wellness sessions, crafted especially for companies dedicated to prioritizing mental health. Embark on this journey today!

Offered Onsite & Virtually 

1) Resilience Training Session

This class will explore what resilience is and how to cultivate it. Resilience allows us to overcome change and ambiguity with ease. Learn the three pillars of resilience in a workplace context: Challenge, Commitment, and Personal Control.

In today’s rapidly shifting corporate landscape, Resilience is more than trendy language – it’s the backbone of enduring mental challenges; an essential life skill. It equips employees to handle pressures with grace and bounce back from setbacks. Resilience doesn’t imply avoiding challenges but rather harnessing them as opportunities for growth. By understanding the interconnectedness of challenge, commitment, and personal Control, participants can craft a personal blueprint for resilient living.

In this wellness class hosted by Twello, a corporate facilitator will show employees ways in which they can foster a more resilient mindset. By learning to cultivate a culture of adaptability within yourself, teams will be more equipped to handle obstacles and adapt to unforeseen situations. When employees harness resilience, they not only elevate their own performance but also influence a more cohesive and efficient work environment. This session will provide a holistic approach, ensuring that attendees not only comprehend the core tenets of resilience but also master strategies to embed them in their personal and work life.

Offered Onsite & Virtually 

2) Emotional Intelligence Session

This class will explore what resilience is and how to cultivate it. Resilience allows us to overcome change and ambiguity with ease. Learn the three pillars of resilience in a workplace context: Challenge, Commitment, and Personal Control.

In today’s rapidly shifting corporate landscape, Resilience is more than trendy language – it’s the backbone of enduring mental challenges; an essential life skill. It equips employees to handle pressures with grace and bounce back from setbacks. Resilience doesn’t imply avoiding challenges but rather harnessing them as opportunities for growth. By understanding the interconnectedness of challenge, commitment, and personal Control, participants can craft a personal blueprint for resilient living.

In this wellness class hosted by Twello, a corporate facilitator will show employees ways in which they can foster a more resilient mindset. By learning to cultivate a culture of adaptability within yourself, teams will be more equipped to handle obstacles and adapt to unforeseen situations. When employees harness resilience, they not only elevate their own performance but also influence a more cohesive and efficient work environment. This session will provide a holistic approach, ensuring that attendees not only comprehend the core tenets of resilience but also master strategies to embed them in their personal and work life.

Offered Onsite & Virtually 

3) Introduction To Mindfulness Session

A perfect way to kickstart your Mental Health Awareness Day programming! In a world where “mindfulness” has become a buzzword, this session offers a refreshing and accessible perspective. Whether employees are new to the practice or seasoned in practicing mindfulness, there are takeaways for everyone in this session. This Mindfulness 101 session will provide a comprehensive introduction to the practice that appeals to everyone, even skeptics. It demystifies the practice, equipping employees with practical techniques to weave mindfulness into their daily lives. By fostering a greater understanding of the profound benefits of mindfulness, this session empowers individuals to protect their mental well-being, reduce stress, and enhance overall quality of life. Join us in exploring the transformative power of mindfulness, setting the stage for a more mindful and resilient workforce.

Offered Onsite & Virtually 

4) Introduction To Meditation Session

one of the most impactful events employers can introduce to their workplace is the ‘Meditation 101’ class hosted by Twello. Perfectly designed for both beginners and those already familiar with meditation, this class demystifies the practice, offering accessible tools that employees can easily integrate into their daily routines. Contrary to popular belief, meditation doesn’t require extensive training or hours of silence; even a few minutes can make a difference. By investing in this class, employers won’t just be promoting mental well-being, but they’ll be offering a sustainable tool that employees can use to manage stress, enhance clarity, and boost creativity. In an era where employee wellness is directly linked to business success, ‘Meditation 101’ is an indispensable addition to any workplace wellness programming.

Offered Onsite & Virtually 

5) Boosting Focus Session

“In our digital age, where distractions are just a click away, maintaining focus at work has become increasingly challenging. Twello’s “Mindfulness for Boosting Focus” session offers an invaluable solution to this modern dilemma. Through tried-and-tested mindfulness techniques, this session equips employees with the skills to hone their concentration, minimize distractions, and maintain a consistent workflow. Moreover, as we acknowledge World Mental Health Day, it’s essential to recognize that improved focus also equates to reduced anxiety and heightened well-being—making this session an ideal inclusion in mental health programming. Mindfulness, at its core, teaches individuals to remain present and attentive, which translates to heightened efficiency and precision in tasks. By integrating these practices into the workday, employees can navigate their responsibilities with greater ease and effectiveness. Bringing in Twello’s session not only demonstrates an employer’s commitment to enhancing workplace productivity but also to fostering an environment where employees can achieve their best, mentally and professionally.

Offered Onsite & Virtually 

6) Stress Reduction Session

In our digital age, where distractions are just a click away, maintaining focus at work has become increasingly challenging. Twello’s “Mindfulness for Boosting Focus” session offers an invaluable solution to this modern dilemma. Through tried-and-tested mindfulness techniques, this session equips employees with the skills to hone their concentration, minimize distractions, and maintain a consistent workflow. Moreover, as we acknowledge World Mental Health Day, it’s essential to recognize that improved focus also equates to reduced anxiety and heightened well-being—making this session an ideal inclusion in mental health programming. Mindfulness, at its core, teaches individuals to remain present and attentive, which translates to heightened efficiency and precision in tasks. By integrating these practices into the workday, employees can navigate their responsibilities with greater ease and effectiveness. Bringing in Twello’s session not only demonstrates an employer’s commitment to enhancing workplace productivity but also to fostering an environment where employees can achieve their best, mentally and professionally.

Offered Onsite & Virtually 

7) Introduction To Breathwork Session

Employees often overlook the power of something as simple as breathing. Twello’s “Breathwork Basics” class is an opportunity for employees to reconnect with their breath. Breathwork is more than just deep inhales and exhales; it’s a tool that can enhance mental clarity, regulate emotions, and alleviate stress. Introducing employees to the principles and practices of breathwork not only equips them with immediate tools they can add to their wellness routine but also can be used for work-related pressures. As we move towards embracing comprehensive wellness strategies in the workplace, especially in light of World Mental Health Day, integrating a class like “Breathwork Basics” is great to add to your program.  For any organization looking to bolster their programming and find initiatives that keep employees engaged , this class stands out as a simple yet transformative addition.

Offered Onsite & Virtually 

8) Mindful Eating & Nutrition Session

In a world saturated with diet trends and conflicting nutritional advice, Twello takes a refreshingly unique approach with its “Mindful Eating and Nutrition” class. Moving away from controversial diet tips, this session focuses on the benefits of mindfulness during mealtimes. By fostering a deeper awareness and appreciation of the foods we consume, mindful eating can promote a healthier relationship with food, combat mindless snacking, and enhance the overall experience of meals. A highlight of the class is the coffee meditation—where our facilitator will show an example of how employees can integrate mindfulness into their daily routines, turning an ordinary act like sipping coffee into a moment of pause and reflection. In the context of workplace wellness, this class isn’t just about food; it’s about cultivating presence, gratitude, and intentional living. For companies aspiring to offer well-rounded wellness programming, this session promises an enriching and practical addition that extends benefits well beyond the lunchroom.

Offered Onsite & Virtually 

9) Chair Yoga Session

Another transformative addition to World Mental Health Day programming is the integration of chair yoga sessions. Yoga, an ancient practice rooted in mindfulness and body awareness, serves as a bridge between physical and mental well-being. For workplaces where space or flexibility might be a concern, chair yoga provides an accessible alternative, allowing employees to experience the calming and centering benefits of yoga without the need for expansive movements or extensive space. 

Offered Onsite & Virtually 

9) Mat Yoga Session

Alternatively, mat yoga dives deeper into postures and breathwork, promoting flexibility, strength, and mental tranquility. In the context of mental health, yoga fosters mindfulness, reduces stress, and offers a much-needed break from the cognitive demands of the workday. Introducing such sessions not only adds a dynamic physical component to your wellness programming but also underscores the importance of holistic health, where the mind and body work in harmony to achieve overall well-being.

As World Mental Health Day approaches, there’s a clear call to action for businesses globally to prioritize the mental well-being of their employees. A workplace that values mental health fosters an environment of support, understanding, and empathy. Leadership has a pivotal role in shaping this narrative, ensuring mental health isn’t just a footnote but an integral part of the company’s ethos. Twello’s diverse range of wellness programs, from resilience training to yoga sessions, provides an avenue for companies to tangibly invest in their employees’ well-being. These initiatives not only offer immediate tools to enhance mental resilience and reduce stress but also promote a culture where employees feel valued and seen. The intertwining of mental and physical health, mindfulness, and workplace efficiency creates a harmonious ecosystem beneficial for both employers and employees. As we venture forth, let’s reimagine workplaces where mental health awareness isn’t a mere annual observance but a daily practice, transforming not just the work environment but also the lives of those who inhabit it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Mental health awareness in the workplace is vital as it safeguards the emotional and psychological well-being of employees. Organizations that prioritize mental health can create supportive environments where employee well-being flourishes, positively impacting overall productivity and workplace harmony.

Leadership plays a pivotal role in shaping a company’s culture. By advocating for mental health, being transparent about challenges, setting examples like taking mental health days, and implementing wellness programs, leaders can destigmatize mental health issues. This proactive stance fosters a culture where employees feel acknowledged and supported.

Mindfulness in the workplace is more than a buzzword; it’s a practice that fosters clarity and balance. Mindfulness helps in enhancing overall workplace productivity, harmony, and individual well-being. Through techniques like meditation and mindful listening, employees can better manage stress, focus, and communicate more effectively.

Beyond mere awareness campaigns, companies can host workshops, dedicated talks, and full-day events focusing on mental health. By offering tangible solutions and support, businesses can make a significant impact, demonstrating their commitment to their employees’ mental well-being, not just on World Mental Health Day but throughout the year.

EAPs are programs that offer a range of services, from counseling to financial advice, ensuring employees have access to support during personal or professional challenges. They provide a confidential avenue for assistance, reinforcing a company’s commitment to the holistic well-being of their workforce.

Questions about pricing, class recommendations, or availability? Thats what we’re here for!