How Employers Sabotage Their Company Culture (Medium-Sized Companies)

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Creating a healthy and enthusiastic team culture always seems to be a major priority companies have, yet, this is often a challenge that has many factors and layers. Having a healthy culture amongst team members is the invisible thread that ties together shared values, mutual respect, and a unified vision. When it is cultivated right, team culture has the power to turn workplaces into vibrant communities, far more than just buildings looking to generate revenue. Now, if you’re a medium-sized company with a headcount anywhere between 20 to 75, you’re in a unique position. You have the agility of a small team that is combined with the capabilities of a larger entity, making the creation of a robust team culture not only beneficial but essential. In such a setting, every individual counts, and their well-being directly reflects on the organization’s outcome.

Let’s talk about something we all intuitively know but often sideline – mental well-being. Just as a plant needs the right environment to flourish, your team members need an environment where their mental wellness is prioritized. And here’s the good news: we’ve got just the solution for you. Our virtual and onsite corporate wellness classes are designed to infuse your workplace with positivity, resilience, and holistic well-being. Whether it’s through mindfulness exercises, stress-busting techniques, or rejuvenating activities, we’re here to guide your team towards a healthier mindset.

So, as you think about elevating your company’s culture, consider this – a team that’s mentally fit is not only more productive but also happier, collaborative, and innovative. And isn’t that the very essence of a thriving team culture? Dive into our wellness class offerings and discover the transformative power of prioritizing mental well-being in your organization. It’s more than just a class; it’s a step towards building a legacy of a nurturing and supportive work environment.

Challenges Specific to Medium-Sized Companies

Ah, the unique challenges of a medium-sized company. On one end, you have the closeness of a small team, and on the other, the exciting promise of evolving into a more structured, larger entity. It’s like being in those awkward teenage years: you’ve outgrown your childhood shoes but haven’t quite filled the ones of adulthood. The intimacy that once was effortless now needs nurturing amidst new faces and expanding departments. You’re juggling the challenge of keeping the lines of communication as clear and vibrant as they were when the team was smaller, all while adapting to the systems and structures essential for growth.

And then there’s the transition – the agile startup, where every challenge was met with a “we’ll figure it out” spirit, to a more established company with processes, hierarchies, and expectations. But here’s a thought: in this delicate phase of growth and change, what if there was a way to ensure your team’s mental and emotional well-being remained a top priority? In a 2022 study conducted by Deloitte, they found that 59% percent of employees said they would seriously consider taking a job with a company that offers better well-being benefits than their current employer. So, let’s delve into the facts about what truly matters to employees in 2023, and why mental well-being has ascended to the top of their priorities.

Company Growth Alone Won’t Keep Your Team Thriving

Company growth is undoubtedly a pivotal goal, but it’s essential to recognize that a singular focus on growth can’t ensure lasting employee happiness and satisfaction. In the modern workplace of 2023, employees are increasingly prioritizing their well-being and work-life balance. For instance, relentless demands for long hours or constant pressure to meet aggressive targets can lead to burnout and negatively affect personal lives. Moreover, neglecting mental health and ignoring the importance of a supportive work environment can result in high turnover rates, as employees seek more nurturing workplaces. Creative stagnation, disengagement, and increased healthcare costs are just a few of the other consequences that can arise when growth eclipses employee well-being. Therefore, to create a thriving and sustainable corporate culture, companies must shift their focus towards holistic employee well-being, understanding that a happy and motivated workforce is a key driver of long-term success.

As a company grows beyond its initial stages, like the 25-employee milestone discussed in “Why Everything Breaks When You Reach 25 Employees” the dynamic changes. With more lines of communication and a larger workforce, early employees may feel less closely connected to the direct impact of their efforts on the company’s growth. This reduced visibility into their contributions can diminish their sense of fulfillment and work satisfaction, as they might not see the immediate results of their hard work.

Overwork is Silently Sabotaging Your Culture

“Quiet quitting” has become a buzzword in the workplace, reflecting a growing trend where employees refrain from quitting their jobs but stop going the extra mile. This shift is driven by a desire for better work-life balance and mental well-being. 21% of workers are ‘quit quitting’ saying they only do the bare minimum; 5% do even less than what they’re paid to do according to an August 2022 survey of 1,000 workers.

This phenomenon often arises when employees perceive that their employers prioritize growth and profits over their well-being. When the message from the top is clear that their health and happiness are secondary concerns, employees can lose the motivation to go the extra mile or invest their full effort. Respect and loyalty to an employer can wane, making it increasingly difficult to foster a culture of dedication and hard work. To combat this trend, businesses must recognize the value of caring for their employees’ well-being as an essential ingredient in maintaining a motivated and engaged workforce.

Lack of Recognition and Appreciation Undermines Employee Morale

In the hustle and bustle of achieving targets and pushing for growth, employers often overlook the power of recognition and appreciation. Just as a plant withers without water, employee morale can quickly dwindle when hard work goes unnoticed. In a medium-sized company, where the intimacy of a small team meets the complexity of a larger structure, the personal touch in recognizing individual contributions becomes even more crucial.

A 2021 survey by Gallup found that 40% of employees report receiving recognition just a few times a year or less. When employees feel undervalued, their connection to the company and its mission weakens, leading to decreased engagement and productivity. To foster a culture of appreciation, employers must implement regular and meaningful recognition practices. This could range from a simple ‘thank you’ note to an employee of the month awards. By making appreciation a staple in your company culture, you affirm to your team that their efforts matter, boosting morale, and fueling a positive work environment.

Ineffective Communication Creates Disconnect and Confusion

As companies grow and departments expand, maintaining clear and effective communication becomes a formidable challenge. In medium-sized companies, this challenge is heightened as they balance the informal communication styles of a small team with the need for more structured communication channels of a larger organization.

A 2021 report by Salesforce found that 86% of employees and executives cite a lack of collaboration or ineffective communication for workplace failures. When communication breaks down, misinformation and confusion proliferate, leading to frustration and a decrease in employee morale. Furthermore, employees may feel disconnected from the company’s vision and their role in achieving it, creating a sense of alienation. To combat this, employers must prioritize establishing robust communication channels and practices that ensure every team member is on the same page. Regular team meetings, transparent sharing of company updates, and accessible communication tools are vital in creating an inclusive and informed workplace culture.

Cultivating Employee Well-Being on a Budget

At Twello, we understand that in the unique landscape of a medium-sized company, financial bandwidth may be tight, making it a challenge to offer hefty compensation packages or extensive benefits. Yet, we believe there’s a golden opportunity to show your team just how much they matter. Twello’s wellness programs are an affordable solution designed to infuse your workplace with care and attention toward your employee’s mental well-being. Through our classes and scheduled breaks devoted to mindfulness and stress relief, we offer a pathway for employers to demonstrate their commitment to employee wellness. It’s a smaller investment with a massive return; as your team feels seen and valued, their engagement and passion for their work soar, creating a ripple effect of positivity and innovation throughout the company. So, even when the budget is tight, Twello is here to help you cultivate a nurturing environment that speaks volumes to your team, proving that their well-being is top of mind.

Frequently Asked Questions

Medium-sized companies can cultivate a thriving team culture by prioritizing mental well-being, encouraging open communication, and fostering a sense of mutual respect and shared values. Engaging in regular team-building activities, maintaining transparency in decisions, and investing in employee growth are also crucial. Additionally, implementing wellness classes that focus on mindfulness, stress management, and emotional intelligence can further strengthen the team’s mental resilience and contribute to a positive workplace environment.

Leaders in medium-sized companies play a pivotal role in shaping the team culture, setting the tone through their values, behaviors, and management styles. By exemplifying transparency, empathy, and a commitment to employee well-being, leaders can inspire similar behaviors across the team. Embracing strategies such as active listening, continuous learning, and prioritizing mental wellness are essential for leaders looking to cultivate a supportive and thriving work environment.

Medium-sized companies often experience a delicate balance between maintaining the closeness of a small team while evolving into a larger, more structured entity. This transition can bring challenges in maintaining clear communication, nurturing team camaraderie, and adapting to new systems and structures essential for growth. Addressing the unique stresses and pressures experienced during this phase, while ensuring the mental and emotional well-being of the team, is crucial.

Wellness classes play a significant role in enhancing team culture by focusing on the mental health and well-being of employees. They provide tools and strategies to manage stress, foster resilience, and cultivate a mindset of positivity and strength. Whether conducted virtually or onsite, these classes serve as a valuable resource for teams, supporting their mental health journey and contributing to a more supportive and collaborative work environment.

A strong team culture in a medium-sized company is characterized by clear alignment with the company’s vision and mission, open communication, trust, mutual respect, and a shared set of values. It celebrates diversity in thought and background, fosters an environment of recognition and appreciation, and prioritizes the mental well-being of its members. Implementing strategies to bolster these components, including wellness classes and proactive leadership, is essential for cultivating a thriving and resilient team culture.

Questions about pricing, class recommendations, or availability? Thats what we’re here for!