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"Stress-Proof Your Life" In Minutes

On-Demand Virtual Course

Join Twello’s CEO, Kayla Baum, in a quick, impactful course where she shares practical strategies to integrate mindfulness into your busy life. Drawing from our series of wellness sessions, this short course offers easy-to-follow tips, helpful insights, and exclusive resources you can access anytime.

Exclusive Twello Attendee Discount

On Demand Video Lessons

Practical stress management and well-being techniques with our concise videos, perfect for busy individuals wanting flexible, self-paced support.

Downloadable Exercises & Resources

Tools and engaging exercises for continuous personal growth and stress management, accessible anytime and anywhere.

Audio & Video Meditations

Curated tracks, designed to accompany each strategy, offer on-the-go meditations to keep these practices easily accessible and ongoing, anytime you need them.

Reflection Prompts & Affirmations

Inspire reflection and growth, guiding you through a transformative process by helping you explore your thoughts and emotions in depth,

If you have unlimited free time, this course isn't for you.

“I’ve created this course for a person who is already working a full time job, and then they get home and feel like they have another full time job…”

Kayla Baum, Course Instructor & Twello CEO

Kayla has created & led wellness programs for employees at major organizations.




Module 1

Mindfulness: Boost Optimism, Treat Negativity

Begin your journey into mindfulness with a foundational understanding of burnout. Learn how mindfulness can be a powerful tool in recognizing and addressing the early signs of burnout.

     + Extra Resources

Module 2

Build Boundaries, Treat Exhaustion

Learn how to effectively set boundaries to disconnect from work mentally and reclaim your personal time to combat exhaustion.

     + Extra Resources

Module 3

Cultivate A New Hobby, Branch Out, Treat Anhedonia

Discover your new “whimsical hobby” and learn the benefits of exploring new hobbies to enhance your well-being and overcome feelings of anhedonia.

     + Extra Resources

Module 4

Digital Detox, Banish Comparison, Treat Cynicism

Uncover strategies for reducing digital consumption, eliminating unhealthy comparisons, and addressing cynicism for a more positive outlook.

     + Extra Resources

Module 5

Reducing Worry & Racing Thoughts Before Bed, Bury Worries, Treat Insomnia

Learn techniques to quiet your mind, alleviate worries, and improve sleep quality to effectively treat insomnia.

     + Extra Resources

Module 6

Community: Be Connected, Treat Isolation

Recognize and nurture meaningful relationships to build a supportive network and effectively combat feelings of isolation.

     + Extra Resources

Module 7

Mindful Walking, Get Physical

Discover how walking can be a powerful tool to anchor yourself in the present moment and learn techniques to practice mindfulness while walking, enhancing your overall mindfulness in daily life.

     + Extra Resources

Small Changes, That Make ALL The Difference.

Beat Burnout Before It Beats You

Learn how to recharge your mental and physical energy without feeling overwhelmed. Don’t worry—we’re not about to tell you to add two hours of physical activity to your day. This course is realistic and practical, specifically designed for people who feel like they have no time left in their day for self-care. We’ll provide you with easy-to-implement strategies that fit seamlessly into your busy schedule, helping you maintain your energy and enthusiasm no matter how hectic life gets.

Resources That Will Last You A Lifetime.

Guiding You To: