The Top 5 Corporate Wellness Classes For Holiday Stress In 2024

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Finances, festivities, deadlines (and in-laws!) can make the holidays a stressful time for all employees. Many employees will be buying and wrapping presents, decorating the house, preparing food for days on end, and still showing up for their 9-5-or-6-or-7 job. Not to mention other complex emotional feelings around the holidays including burnout, guilt, and grief.

Are you exploring the different ways to help support your employees during this time? Twello has been providing holiday-themed wellness classes since 2019 and thought it would be useful to poll past attendees on the classes they enjoyed the most.

Here is a list of the top 5 corporate wellness classes for holiday stress, as voted by employees!

What Are The Five Most Popular Holiday Wellness Classes For Teams?

These are our top 5 stress-busting classes as rated by attendees. Great for remote and hybrid teams, our 30-60 minute sessions make employees feel supported and valued over the holidays.

1. Mindfulness For Stress Reduction

Mindfulness For Stress Reduction is actually our most popular class year-round! This class focuses on creating an individualized self-care plan for each employee based on their resources, interests, stressors, and circumstances.

Stress reduction and self-care go hand in hand. It is essential to understand how self-care plays a vital role in maintaining a strong mental state and overall health! Self-care is more than just bubble baths and face masks. Let’s find out how to truly reduce your stress to improve your well-being and impact your ability to help others around you!

Learning objectives:

  • Understand what “self-care” can be for you
  • Learn the importance of personalized “self-care”
  • Discuss how social media often labels self-care as yoga on a mountaintop and fancy bubble baths
  • Create a custom self-care playbook for yourself for the upcoming weeks
  • Share a part of your self-care playbook with your teammates

Book Mindfulness For Stress Reduction Now!

2. Mindfulness For Managing Holiday Stressors

After collecting feedback from our clients we learned that the holidays, despite being marketed as care-free giving seasons, are often riddled with complex emotions and stressors. So Twello created a class specific to this season – combating holiday stress!

You are not alone in feeling an increased amount of pressure during the holiday season. With the increased financial pressure, a LOT of family time, and less time for healthy habits, this can be one of the most difficult times of the year.

Your employees and co-workers are feeling the same way. At least 77% of employees are experiencing burnout. If you only have the time and/or budget for one class this holiday season, this is the most timely and relevant corporate wellness class for holiday stress!

Learning objectives:

  • Share thoughts on what makes the holidays so stressful for you
  • Learn about some added complexities of holiday stress through stats ex. holiday stress has a greater impact on lower-middle-income individuals
  • Discuss personal goals for the holidays (ex. spend meaningful time with family) and learn how to focus on those when other stressors creep in
  • Learn and practice the “STOP” method for taking mindful breaks when stressed
    • Stop What You’re Doing
    • Take A Breath
    • Observe Your Thoughts
    • Proceed Mindfully

Book Mindfulness For Managing Holiday Stressors Now!

3. Chair Yoga!

Between enjoying all the amazing meals around the holiday season, and sitting at our desks, it is important to keep moving our bodies. This does not always have to be training until failure. This will be a helpful reminder during the holidays to stretch and move your body.

Chair Yoga is perfect to fit into the workday! Whether you are an advanced athlete or haven’t touched your toes for years, the class will be perfect for you and your employees.

Book Chair Yoga Now!

4. Mindfulness For Positive Mental Health In The Winter

The winter months can be long and dreary. Having less exposure to sunlight and warm weather can have a less-than-ideal impact on your mood. It is important for you to understand these feelings are normal and very valid.

Mindfulness For Positive Mental Health In The Winter looks at ways the winter can impact our mood whether this is on a conscious or subconscious level. Also, we explore ways to overcome these feelings in a way that works for YOU.

The winter holidays allow us time to explore new types of indoor or outdoor activities with our family and friends. Twello is here to help you be more mindful during these activities to capitalize on the experiences.

Learning objectives:

  • What is seasonal affective disorder (SAD)?
  • How can SAD show up in your life?
  • Proven ways to help remove the impacts of SAD.
  • Explore if you are currently using any techniques to combat these feelings.
  • Explore new techniques you can implement.

Book Mindfulness For Positive Mental Health In The Winter Now!

5. Mindful Goal Setting

The holidays always come with a lot of pressure to improve your life and make goals for the future. A lot of the pressure and advertising we see can be harmful to our mental well-being. Whether this is about reaching unattainable goals or creating unrealistic goals. Believe us, we want you to achieve all of your biggest and brightest goals. However, it is important to do this in smaller increments so it is not overwhelming to begin. But don’t worry, we will help you with all of this!

Twello will help you determine with is important to YOU. Then, we will work with you to create attainable goals that will work for your life.

Learning objectives:

  • Determine what is important to you, in your life
  • Understand how to create goals that will bring you closer to your values
  • Learn three evidence-based strategies for increasing healthy habits and a mindfulness tool to help embody your goals.

Book Mindful Goal Setting Now!

When is the best time to provide wellness classes around the holidays?

All of our seasonal classes are offered between October and January! Different themes see monthly spikes such as “Mindfulness For Holiday Stressors” in November and December and “Mindful Goal Setting” in January — but all five classes are a great fit for the season.

What is the most affordable way to support my employees around the holidays?

Live, virtual corporate wellness classes, are the most affordable way to support employees around the holidays. Flat-rate wellness classes offer. A few vendors (such as Twello) also offer class recording for free, in addition to the virtual class. This can also help stretch the budget if you’d like to share the recording with remote employees in other timezones or post it on your LMS or intranet for employees to access on demand.

A typical wellness class will range from $400-$1000/USD per class. It is worth noting that Twello is one of the few vendors to offer flat-rate pricing vs. per-head pricing. We know how hard it can be to convince your boss to open up their wallet so flat-rate pricing ensures you know exactly the budget you require, ahead of time. With per-head pricing, you can run into surprise fees if you go over your expected amount, or pay extra even when some employees aren’t able to attend.

Here is our current flat-rate pricing which is heavily discounted based on the number of sessions booked at one time. The more the merrier!

Which corporate wellness classes should I avoid around the holidays?

There are lots of meaningful ways to support your employees around the holidays and everyone appreciates even small acts of kindness around this season.

While working with companies around the world on their holistic well-being strategies we have seen a few initiatives and classes we just can’t get behind!

  1. “Holiday Holds” – We first heard of this from a client who encourages employees to share their body weight before and after the holidays to see if they were able to “hold” their beginning weight. Hopefully, this one goes without saying – please avoid it! This can be offensive and unhealthy for team members.
  2. Wellness classes when workloads are unmanageable – As with all good things, some wellness initiatives can backfire around the holidays if classes are made mandatory and scheduled when employees are already feeling burnout and overextended. It’s best practice to keep wellness classes optional and continuously assess employee workloads as the foundation of overall wellness.

Who Is The Top Holiday Corporate Wellness Class Vendor?

Twello is the only global wellness provider with extensive holiday-themed classes! Our catalog of over 20 classes ensures your team will always have something refreshing and new to look forward to on their wellness calendar. View the entire 2022 catalog here! Twello offers virtual sessions around the globe as well as onsite sessions in select cities. You can learn more about our onsite classes here!

How Do I Book Holiday Wellness Classes?

Does wellness planning stress you out with all the moving factors? Don’t worry! It is our favourite thing to do. We’re like little wellness elves!

You can be involved in the planning process or leave it all up to us.

Here are 3 easy ways to connect:

  • Book a consultation here for your corporate wellness classes for the holiday season! Learn more about how you can help your employees reduce their stress during the holiday season.
  • Shoot us an email ( With a quick response time, you will have the information you need in no time! We are always ready to help.
  • Give us a ring! (646-859-8485) Prefer to connect over the phone? That works for us!

Looking for other fun holiday activities to celebrate the holidays with your team? Here are virtual activities for your employees!


Questions about pricing, class recommendations, or availability? Thats what we’re here for!