How To Reach Out To B2B Clients & Propose Wellness For Their Company: 4 Personas


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B2B Client Sales Personas In The Organizational Wellness Space

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Proposing wellness programs to organizations but not sure where to start? With years of experience, we’ve identified the four key personas that drive sales in this space. Let Twello be your expert guide.

As a meditation, mindfulness, or yoga teacher, one of the most effective ways to expand your reach and help more people is to offer your services to organizations and workplaces. Many companies today understand the benefits of mindfulness and wellness practices and are looking for ways to support their employees’ mental health and well-being. However, it can be challenging to reach out to these companies and make your pitch effectively.

As the leading corporate wellness provider, we have had the opportunity to work with a wide variety of clients, from small startups to large corporations. Over the years, we have learned a great deal about the best techniques for reaching out to these clients and effectively pitching our wellness services. In this blog, we will reveal the key personas we have identified and share the secrets that have worked best for us in securing them as clients. Whether you are a meditation, mindfulness, or yoga teacher looking to expand your reach, or a corporate wellness provider looking to improve your outreach strategies, this blog will provide valuable insights and actionable tips for reaching out to potential clients and bringing the benefits of wellness practices to more organizations and their employees.

Persona #1: Carla the CEO or Chair

One important persona to consider is Carla, the CEO or Chair of a small or medium-sized company. Carla has likely personally benefited from mindfulness and mindset practices and is interested in bringing these benefits to her team. As the decision maker in this case, Carla is not particularly price sensitive and is best supported with quick, short emails or even texts and short calls.

When reaching out to Carla, it’s important to acknowledge her leadership and compliment her company vision. Use language that speaks to her desire to bring relaxation and a toolkit to her team, and be sure to highlight the specific benefits of your services. Depending on her preferences, you may want to use the term “mindset” instead of “mindfulness” to make the classes feel more formal and professional.

Keep your outreach concise and to the point, focusing on the benefits of your services and how they align with Carla’s goals for her team. Offer to provide more information or answer any questions she may have, and be prepared to provide pricing and logistics information as needed. By effectively reaching out to Carla and other decision-makers like her, you can help bring the benefits of mindfulness and wellness practices to more organizations and their employees.

Persona #2: Ally The Assistant 

When reaching out to Ally the Assistant, it’s important to keep in mind that she is likely the “shopper” rather than the “buyer” and is looking to bring a diverse range of wellness benefits to her team. To best support her in this task, provide data that she can easily summarize and show to her leadership team, including pricing and logistics information upfront. While Ally may prefer more casual 1:1 communication, she still requires formal quotes and proposals to show her boss. 

One effective approach when reaching out to Ally is to acknowledge the challenging task she has in comparing vendors and finding the best fit for her organization. You can offer to help by providing a clear and concise proposal that includes pricing and logistics information upfront. It’s important to note that Ally is likely not the final decision maker, but rather the “shopper” who will present the proposal to her boss or leadership team. As such, it’s important to provide data that she can easily summarize and present to decision-makers. In addition, Ally is likely to prefer more casual communication 1:1, such as emails or phone calls, but will still require formal quotes and proposals. With this in mind, it’s a good idea to strike a balance between being professional and approachable in your communication.

Lastly, keep in mind that Ally’s goal is to bring a diversified set of wellness benefits to her team, so highlighting the range of services and expertise that you can offer will be important in attracting her interest. By understanding Ally’s role, preferences, and goals, you can tailor your outreach approach to effectively engage and secure her as a potential client for your wellness services.

Persona #3: Hannah The Head Of HR

To reach out to Hannah effectively, it’s important to research the company she works for to tailor your message and show her that you understand the company’s needs. As the head of HR, Hannah is likely interested in improving the well-being of her employees. Highlight the benefits of meditation, mindfulness, and yoga for employees, such as stress reduction, improved focus and productivity, and increased job satisfaction. Share statistics or studies that show how these practices can positively impact employees’ overall well-being.

Hannah is a formal persona who is used to the corporate language and appreciates professional and straightforward communication. Offer clear and easy-to-understand marketing materials, with straightforward pricing, contracts, and service agreements. You can also offer to consult with other professional teams within her organization, such as Legal and Procurement, to ensure that everything is compliant and aligned with company policies.

As the head of HR, Hannah is a senior leader in her organization. Acknowledge her position and show that you respect her authority. You can also reference the goals or core values of the company she works for, showing that you have done your research and are aligned with their mission. Be reliable and provide excellent customer service throughout the process, following up on any questions or concerns she may have.

In conclusion, reaching out to Hannah, to propose facilitating wellness for her team can be a great opportunity for meditation, mindfulness, and yoga teachers. By doing your research, highlighting the benefits, being professional, acknowledging her senior position, and being reliable, you can make a great impression and potentially secure a partnership that benefits both her team and your business.

Persona #4: Committee Karen

reaching out to Committee Karen can be a challenge, as she is tasked with organizing a large, disorganized committee and is likely working with a limited budget. Here are some tips for how meditation, mindfulness, and yoga teachers can effectively reach out to Committee Karen and propose facilitating wellness for her team.

First and foremost, it’s important to establish a relationship based on clear communication and understanding. Committee Karen is likely juggling multiple responsibilities, so be respectful of her time and offer flexibility in scheduling meetings. Be patient and persistent, as it may take multiple meetings before a final decision is made.

Committee Karen may also be hesitant to commit to a buying decision due to a limited budget. Be transparent about your pricing and offer creative solutions that fit within their budget. Consider offering group sessions or discounted rates for multiple sessions. You may also want to provide options for different budgets or payment plans.

In addition to being mindful of their budget, it’s important to clearly communicate the benefits of meditation, mindfulness, and yoga practices for employee wellness and productivity. Share success stories and case studies that illustrate the positive impact of these practices. Be prepared to answer any questions or concerns that Committee Karen may have about the implementation process, the impact on their team, and the ROI of this investment.

Finally, establish a positive and professional relationship with Committee Karen throughout the process. Be responsive and reliable, and offer exceptional customer service. Follow up promptly on any questions or concerns she may have, and be flexible and accommodating to any changes or requests.

Reaching out to Committee Karen to propose facilitating wellness for her team can be a rewarding opportunity for meditation, mindfulness, and yoga teachers. By establishing a relationship based on clear communication and understanding, offering creative solutions within their budget, clearly communicating the benefits, and providing exceptional customer service, you can potentially secure a partnership that benefits both their team and your business.

Working with different personas requires patience, persistence, and a deep understanding of their needs and preferences. While this blog provides some useful insights into working with four common personas, it only scratches the surface of what it takes to build a successful business in this industry. That’s why we offer a comprehensive course that goes into much greater depth about these personas, the job titles to look for, and how to recognize which persona they fit into. We also provide scripts and templates for reaching out to them via LinkedIn, email, and cold calling. By taking our Certified Organizational Mindfulness Instructor course, you’ll gain a wealth of knowledge and practical skills to help you build a successful business in this industry.

Ready To Expand Your Practice To Organizations?

Look no further than our Certified Organizational Mindfulness Provider Course, accredited and endorsed by Twello, the #1 corporate wellness provider. With this course, you’ll gain insider knowledge and practical skills to deliver mindfulness at scale and make a meaningful impact in organizations. Join the leading corporate wellness company and become a certified instructor today!