Why You Should Bring Emotional Intelligence 101 to Your Workplace

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How important is emotional intelligence in your workplace?

Many employers don’t understand the importance of emotional intelligence (EQ) for themselves and their employees. Because it isn’t a traditional “skill,” it often gets pushed to the side in favor of other types of intelligence and productivity.

Employers aren’t encouraging their employees to reach their full potential without EQ. Why wouldn’t you want your employees to be their best?

We’re here to talk about why you should help your employees thrive with EQ training. Read on to learn more.

What Is Emotional Intelligence?

So what is emotional intelligence anyway?

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and understand one’s own emotions and the emotions of others. Someone with high emotional intelligence will likely have high empathy as well.

Someone with high EQ is able to understand that their emotions impact their behaviors. They’re also able to understand that their emotions and behaviors can impact the other people around them.

EQ is just as critical as traditional intelligence both in and out of the workplace.

Why Is It Important to Have Emotional Intelligence?

Too many people scoff at the idea of taking the time to enhance their emotional intelligence. They prioritize traditional intelligence. So why should you bother with emotional intelligence?


First, it’s important for self-motivation. It can be difficult to pull yourself out of a rut or out of executive dysfunction. Having the emotional intelligence to determine the cause of this lack of motivation will help you get out of it more quickly.

You’ll also learn about the kinds of things that motivate you in the first place. Are you reward-motivated? What about being motivated by praise? Knowing these things will help you stay on top of everything that you need to do.


Emotional intelligence is also helpful for self-regulation. Self-regulation is a crucial skill for people of all ages and in all walks of life. Many people think that, by the time they’re adults, they’re naturally able to self-regulate well enough. In reality, this isn’t always true.

Self-regulation is a skill that we learn in toddlerhood as we start to live more social lives. That doesn’t mean that you can’t make improvements as you get older.


All adults should be able to display empathy when they’re interacting with other people. Empathy is the ability to “put yourself in someone else’s shoes,” so to speak. It means that you’re able to display understanding and react in a way that’s appropriate.

Empathy makes it easier for people to get along. When you can see through someone else’s eyes, disputes are easier to manage and overcome.

Social Skills

Emotional intelligence training will teach people how to interact with each other in more effective ways. It promotes better active listening skills, a better understanding of body language, and better techniques for interpersonal problem-solving.

People who display higher levels of emotional intelligence can form stronger and more authentic bonds.

Why Can Employees Benefit from Emotional Intelligence Training?

Employees can reap some special benefits from EQ training at work.

You’ll discover that people with lower emotional intelligence display behaviors that are counterproductive for the workplace. These people are more prone to getting into heated disputes due to being passive-aggressive or overly critical of other workmates. They’re also more likely to make rash decisions and react poorly when something doesn’t go to plan.

Employees who display good EQ show productive qualities in the workplace.

These employees are able to work well in teams and independently. They’re able to moderate themselves and resolve conflicts without someone else stepping in. They can take (and give) constructive criticism without breaking down.

Employees with a high EQ often work well under pressure, even if they’re feeling anxious. They’re able to solve problems and make good decisions because they think before they act.

These employees are also flexible and open to change when it’s necessary.

These are all traits that you want in your employees. Many people don’t have the resources or time to learn them on their own. Emotional intelligence training gives your employees those resources. They’re able to improve themselves while they’re on the clock.

How EQ Training Impacts Your Workplace

Because of all of these positive impacts of emotional intelligence training on your employees, your workplace will thrive as a result.

Employees will be able to work together on projects and become more productive. They’ll be able to communicate in healthy ways and collaborate with people in different departments with fewer misunderstandings.

Employees will also be happier. Employee happiness is a key factor in employee productivity.

What Does an EQ Training Course Look Like?

With all of this in mind, it’s time to talk about what EQ training for the workplace looks like in practice.

At Twello, we’ve developed a four-week training course that makes understanding emotional intelligence simple. We’ve broken it down into four understandable sections.

We start with “Learn.” During the first week, we make sure that everyone has a comprehensive understanding of emotional intelligence and how it can benefit them.

Next, we move on to “Recognize.” During this section, employees will learn how to identify and understand their own emotions and the emotions of others. We encourage employees to practice mindfulness to boost their understanding.

From there, we move on to “Build.” Here, we’re taking what we learned in week two and amplifying it with psychological strategies. We’re going to help your employees improve their communication skills and their self-awareness.

Finally, we move to “Practice.” In this section, your employees will take the information that they’ve gained during the previous weeks and start using it in a controlled setting. This should prepare employees to use these skills in a real-world setting.

Our course is quick and comprehensive. It’s available for both employees and leaders so everyone can reap the benefits of emotional intelligence.

Bring Emotional Intelligence Training to Your Workplace

Employees with high EQ will be happier, more productive, more communicative, and more flexible. They’ll keep your business running effectively.

Don’t miss out on this underutilized skill in the office. Contact us to get a quote for our Emotional Intelligence 101 class (or one of our other fantastic classes) today.

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