8 Steps to Writing Your Company’s Wellness Mission Statement

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What does your company value most about its employee’s wellness? How does the company mission translate into the mission of your wellness program?

Does your company recognize why wellness in the workplace can be beneficial? These are all questions that must be answered in order to build a successful wellness mission statement. Less than half of employees strongly agree they know what their company stands for and what makes it different.

It’s important to create a clear mission statement when explaining your corporate wellness program so that your employees not only know what you stand for, but what makes you different.

Keep reading to learn how to create a corporate wellness mission statement.

Why Create a Wellness Mission Statement?


Creating a culture of wellness requires that your employees engage in your wellness program. But, how do you get employees to buy in and engage? Communication is key to employee engagement.

A clearly written health and wellness mission statement is a great way to communicate your organizational goals for your corporate wellness program. It defines the direction of your wellness program, so you can align your goals, and can be used as a reference point.

In addition, a wellness statement helps your program be visible and cohesive; this will make it more appealing to your employees and encourage engagement and buy-in.

What is a Wellness Mission Statement?


A wellness mission statement is a declaration that outlines the purposes and objectives of a company’s wellness program. It is very important as it can be a guiding framework which articulates the value, vision and goals of taking on this iniative. 

Your wellness mission statement can be essential in aligning the wellness program with the overall mission and values of your company, making sure that the health and well-being of employees are prioritized. By taking the time to clearly define what your company hopes to achieve through its wellness program, such as improving employee health, decreasing stress, enhancing morale, etc. It helps you break down which initiatives and resources you prioritize over others to achieve this.

How to Create a Wellness Mission Statement

Ultimately, your corporate wellness statement will be unique to your company; however, there are some key factors to consider when you begin creating yours. As you create your mission statement, you should seek feedback from your employees; building your mission statement and your program on the needs and wants of your employees will help to create engagement.

Don’t forget to consider your mission statement length; make sure to keep it short and straightforward. Your mission statement is useless if your employees do not understand it.

The basic mission statement details you need include:

  1. Value

  2. Vision

  3. Goals


1. Value

What is the value of your companies wellness program? Why should employees engage? This is imperative to include.

By defining the value, you can encourage engagement, and you can show your employees why your program is relevant.

Here are some key examples of how wellness programs can add value:

  • Improved Employee Health and Well-being:

Wellness programs often lead to better overall health for employees. For example, Johnson & Johnson’s wellness programs have reportedly resulted in a healthier workforce and is on a mission to have “the healthiest employees in the world” with a notable decline in smoking and high blood pressure among their employees. This company found the value in prioritizing their employees health which can in turn, lead to reduced healthcare costs for both the employees and the company. 

  • Enhanced Productivity:

A study published in the “Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine” found that employees who eat healthy and exercise regularly had a 25% higher likelihood of higher job performance.

  • Reduced Absenteeism:

Wellness programs can lead to a decrease in absenteeism. For instance, MD Anderson Cancer Center reported a 80% decrease in lost work days due to their comprehensive wellness program. This reduction in absenteeism translates to cost savings and improved productivity for the company.

  • Increased Employee Engagement and Morale:

Wellness programs can boost morale and engagement by showing employees that the company cares about their well-being. Google, known for its extensive wellness initiatives, has consistently high rates of employee satisfaction and engagement.

  • Attracting and Retaining Talent:

Companies with strong wellness programs often find it easier to attract and retain top talent. Salesforce, which offers a wide range of wellness benefits, has been ranked as one of the best places to work, which helps in attracting and retaining skilled employees.
Building a Positive Company Culture:

Wellness programs contribute to a positive company culture that values health and work-life balance. 

  • Financial Savings:

Companies can see a significant return on investment (ROI) from wellness programs. According to Deloitte, the median annual ROI more than doubles for every dollar invested by companies with wellness programs in place for over three years.

2. Vision

What is the vision of your wellness program? How does this program align with the broader mission and values of the organization? Who is the primary target audience for the wellness program? How do you envision the wellness program evolving over the next five to ten years?

You cannot create effective goals if you don’t know where you’re going.

You need a vision before you start creating goals.

3. Goals

The goals within your mission statement should address problems that are relevant to the employees in your company. They should also be reasonable.

If you create unreasonable goals you set your team up for failure. Make sure to familiarize yourself with SMART goals. You can choose both short-term and long-term goals.

The Steps to Creating a Health Wellness Mission Statement

As you begin diving into your mission statement, use these steps to help you. They can serve as a quick checklist.

Step 1:  Define the Value

Why does your company value wellness? The reason your company values wellness might be vastly different from another company’s reasoning.

For example, your company might value wellness because it recognizes that employees who focus on wellness are more productive. However, another company might value wellness because they recognize that it reduces the rate of burnout.

Step 2: Determine Goals

What do you want your wellness program to accomplish? For example, maybe your goal is to improve employee mental health to reduce the rate of burnout.

Step 3: Identify Problems

Create a list of problems that you want your wellness program to help alleviate. It’s possible that for your company one of your key problems is that employees experience high levels of stress.

Step 4: Create a Plan

Once you have identified the problems, you can create a plan. Once you know what your goals are and your problems are, you can create a plan.

When you create your plan, you need to determine providers who can help you implement the services you want to include.  Virtual and onsite wellness training programs, like Twello, can provide those services and make your life simpler.

Twello Wellness Classes You Can Introduce:

Our classes range from full-body wellness to stress management.

Step 5: Keep It Short and Sweet

Unfortunately, the average human’s attention span is shorter than a goldfish. If you want to keep your employees attention, keep it short and sweet. Around two to six sentences is your sweet spot.

Step 6: Results

Focus on results. This can include employee-focused outcomes. Your results will help you determine if your plan and your mission statement are effective.

Step 7: Consider Your Language

It’s great to keep your language professional, but at a certain point, it can become too much. Make sure you use language that’s clear and simple to convey your goals. This will help ensure your employees understand your mission statement.

Step 8: Reevaluate

Finishing writing your wellness mission statement doesn’t mean you never need to look at it again. You need to reevaluate it from time to time.

The goals and needs of your company can change over time. It’s okay to change your mission statement to reflect this.

Examples of Wellness Mission Statements


Here you can see an example of a wellness mission statement for the city of Ogallala, Nebraska’s employees.

Their value, vision, and goals meld together to create their statement:

“To educate, support, and empower employees and their dependents to improve and maintain their overall health and well-being through healthy lifestyle choices and to create a culture of wellness throughout the Ogallala Community.”

They want a healthier community, and they’re going to do that by educating, supporting, and empowering their employees with their wellness program. They then go on to list their objectives which help address the problems they face.

This statement is easy to understand and quick while still giving all the components needed in a mission statement.


Accomplish Your Corporate Wellness Program Goals


Your health and wellness committee mission statement has been created, but where do you find the services your employees need? Working with Peak Wellness is the best choice you can make.

Our participants reported that their stress levels decreased 91 percent after just one class. Participants also see an increase in focus, decrease in negative emotions, and they’re better able to create a healthy work/life balance.

We offer virtual classes that will help your company accomplish its goals. There are a variety of courses you can choose from and we even have some prerecorded options.

Utilizing our program for improving workplace wellness provides several benefits:

  • Save time
  • Reduce stress
  • Be strategic
  • Simplify your life
  • Sit back

Build Your Corporate Wellness Program With Us

Creating a corporate wellness program requires a mission statement that can encourage employee engagement. Make sure to keep it simple and to the point.

Are you ready to begin putting solutions in place? Your company’s path to wellness shouldn’t be stressful. Contact Twello today to schedule a free consultation.

Questions about pricing, class recommendations, or availability? Thats what we’re here for!